Favorite Answer
I believe it "could" happen if we do not take heed. Most people believe this could never, ever happen to us. I strongly believe our freedoms and such are taken away in very minute steps so we don't realize what "may be" happening. In my life time, I have already witnessed some of what naysayers said never could happen. So I say yes, it very well could happen.
Mary W
There is nothing new about the NWO. It has been in the makings since the Civil War and Presidents, both Republican and Democrat have touched on its theories. I believe it is the only logical way to keep the elite in power. By the way, just who are the "elite"? One day in a very short few years we will all go to bed and wake up with such economics. All the money we had and all our assets will be demolished. We will have a one world government and everything we knew will be old school! Ah, I guess that is progress in the making.
Yes.Any honest historian knows it is true.Quigley's Tragedy and Hope proved it once and for all years ago.
I believe it's possible.....just like anything else is. You get enough power hungry people together...you will get something very much like it.
word UP!!
yes the Rothchilds control everything that the Grey aliens do not.