what is an evergreen forest?

i need the definition for a geography project so please explain elaborately and in simple language.


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An evergreen forest is a forest consisting entirely or mainly of evergreens, trees that retain green foliage all year round. Such forests exist in the tropics primarily as broadleaf evergreens, and in temperate and boreal latitudes primarily as coniferous evergreens.


Define Evergreens


An evergreen forest is a forest consisting entirely or mainly of evergreens, trees that retain green foliage all year round. Such forests exist in the tropics primarily as broadleaf evergreens, and in temperate and boreal latitudes primarily as coniferous evergreens.

Tropical evergreen forests usually occur in areas receiving more than 200cm of rainfall and having a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. They occupy about seven per cent of the earth's land surface and harbour more than half of the world’s plants and animals. They are found mostly near the equator.

These forests are dense and multi-layered and harbour many types of plants and animals. The trees are evergreen as there is no period of drought. They are mostly tall hardwood trees with broad leaves that release excess water through transpiration.

In India, evergreen forests are found in the western slopes of the Western Ghats in States such as Kerala and Karnataka. They are also found in the hills of Jaintia and Khasi. Some of the trees found in Indian Tropical Forests are rosewood, mahogany and ebony. Bamboos and reeds are also common.

Temperate evergreen forests are found mainly in regions like Asian-Russia, Canada and Northern Scandinavia, and Broadleaf evergren forests are found in countries around the Meditteranean Sea like Lebanon and Morocco. Evergreen forests around the world are under threat of logging, mining, oil and gas developments, pollution, hydroelectric projects and other human developments planned in these areas.


An evergreen forest is a forest consisting entirely or mainly of evergreens,
trees that retain green foliage all year round.


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