Homeschooling parents: What are your top 5 gadgets you can't do without when HS'ing?
I thought it would be fun to see everyone's top 5 "gadgets" you can't do without when homeschooling. Here's my list:
1. large paper cutter 2. electric pencil sharpener 3. high-quality three-hole punch 4. laminator 5. comb binding machine
What are your top five?
Edited to say:
Can some of you not read??? It says "Homeschooling parents". I did *not* ask for opinions or rants about homeschooling.
Edit for bigmamma:
A comb binder binds papers together with the plastic "combs" that are solid on the spine, but have little "curls" that wrap around the paper in little rectangular holes that the machine cuts.
It's hard to explain, but I know you've seen comb-bound materials, you just may not have known the name. :-)
I love them to make unit booklets and attach groups of worksheets. It keeps everything so nice "on the go". I also like how you can fold the pages back on themselves. So sometimes I take the bindings off of workbooks and then comb bind them. You can also have an office supply store do it for you. I purchased mine free (and the materials) with my office supply store reward card (did the same w/ my laminator).
Favorite Answer
Janis B...
My stab at humor will probably not be as good as your would have been but... anyway...
1 - Metal detector 2 - Drug sniffing dog(s) 3 - Bathroom coupon (only three trips per semester) 4 - Calculator (for "learning" how to do basic math) 5 - A paddle with holes drilled in it and hanging on the wall
OK... my real list...
1 - Computer / Internet 2 - Whiteboard 3 - Strunk & White's Elements of Style 4 - My old pickup truck for running my ds around to coop, clubs, etc. 5 - Other homeschool parents (they are some real fancy gadgets!)
My top "gadget" would have to be the computer! Next would be our DVD player (we rent from Netflix all the time!).
All of my kids are interested in created images and web pages, as well as computer programming and networking, so I would consider some of the software as tops on my "gadget list." Things like:
An office suite (I like the free Open Office suite - it does everything the Microsoft suite does and you can't beat the price! Download at
Graphics, Illustration and Web editing software - I like the Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign) and Dreamweaver and even the newer FrontPage.
I LOVE this question-- 1. Computer/printer a much needed accessory in homeschooling. I use it to create curriculum, grade reports, all sorts of schedules and paperworks. My kids used it to create reports, learn to program, play educational games, etc. 2. dice When kids are little dice, cards, pennies, and many other items are Math. You can use them to reinforce all sorts of rote learning, comparisons, counting, etc. Wonderful tools. 3. Construction paper/ art accessories You use them all the way to Highschool. Create all sorts of projects, posters, charts, reports, artwork, etc. From color-coded phonics charts for a 4yo to complex charts and ratios of a 15yo. These are a necessity. 4. Batteries, wires, christmas lights, and other "trash" for science. What would we do without using christmas lights, 9volt batteries and paperclip (switches) to make series and parallel circuits? My kids made all sorts of "inventions" and did all sorts of physics experiments with household misc that other people see as trash. 5. Balls You can do all sorts of games to reinforce learning with balls. From pingpong balls to basketballs they are a great learning tool as well as good exercise. My kids learned to add by tossing pingpong balls I had numbered into buckets and adding up the score. Learning is always better when it is done with fun.
Did I tell you how great this question is? I love it.