I just got my home tattoo kit and I have a problem.....?

I think I know how to hook the gun up and I broke up all my dad's gel pens so I have lots of colorful ink. My problem is, when I tattoo LOSER on my forehead should I do it backwards so I can read it in the mirror everyday or should I tattoo it where everyone I meet can read it?


Also....... Please recommend a good font for this masterpiece.


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oooh that tattoo is going to be pretty! esp with all the red skin around the pretty gel pen colors!:)

I think that I would ink yourself where everyone else can read it. After all....it's all about what everyone else thinks and if everyone else likes it you know? haha....

Re: font...maybe just go on the computer and copy the default font...adds to the originality. :)


i'm torn between forward or mirrored. i do know that your dad having gel pens is a bit weird. i would try your sisters. i feel the glitter might give it a little something extra. make sure you add either a) a butterfly b) a kanji symbol you have absolutely no proof means what you think c) tribal nonsense. if you really want to jazz it up - and i know you do- you might buy a piercing gun and start poking around. your eyelid might be a nice place for a piercing. or better yet, stick a straight barbell through a flat surface. that's always really stable and resilient. won't reject at all.


When you do it on your forehead, make it so everyone can read it. Then, do it again on your penis, so that you can read it...that way, you'll have all of your bases covered.

I think you should use the font called Loki-Cola (link attached). It has a really nice capital "L", that will help when you're hanging out with your loser friends. Since they probably can't actually read what it says, they'll just think you're Laverne.

Red Sunshine2008-01-23T18:48:28Z

I say you do it so that everyone can read it! Just make sure not to wear gloves or clean anything - it makes the experience more intense! Oh and windings font would be PERFECT! Also, don't forget to go and tattoo all your little teenage friends - make sure they ask Y!A what to get, where to get it and how much it will hurt!


do it backwards so you can read it in the mirror. you could also put tribal around it, and maybe a butterfly next to it.

old english would be a good font

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