What Rivalry is Bigger? Giants/Dodgers or Yankees/RedSox?

I'm talking fan rowdiness. History. Records versus each other. Don't just look at it as a now kinda thing. Because the Red Sox failed to make it interesting until the 21st century. Giants/Dodgers stretch back from New York/Brooklyn. Giants and Dodgers have always either blocked each other from making the playoffs or eliminated each other in the playoffs. It's a hell zone and people literally get beat and get stuff thrown at them if you wear Dodger Blues in sports bars in the bay. Don't forget. But if you disagree, let me know. you might convince me. but I do think that New York/Boston is highly overrated.


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It your talking complete history, your talking Giants Dodgers all the way. Going to a Giants Dodger game here in SF is one of the best things you can do around here. It makes it seem like people around here love baseball again, and aren't there just for Bonds.

The Sox Yanks are overplayed and over hyped. They are shown too much on TV and when they had 4 out of the 5 games on ESPN and FOX that one time, enough was enough. A rivalry is competitve over the years, the Yanks just dominated for the first...80 or so.

I think its the Giants Dodgers, but its not the best well known, but its bigger.

Good luck!!


I think RedSox/Yankees is the biggest rivalry, but my perception may be biased because I'm from Boston. Around here, the three most important things to remember are
1. Look both ways before crossing the street 2. Don't talk to strangers and 3. Yankees suck. When Red Sox fans see a New York Yankees logo, they generally have the same reaction that they do when they see a swastika! And Yankee fans seem to hate the Red Sox just as much. When I lived in the NYC metro area for a year, everyone made so much fun of me for being a Red Sox fan.


Well, for the past 20 years its probably the Sox-Yanks. The Giants Dodgers rivalry seemed to cool down. But No Doubt is the Dodgers Giants the best all time. The reason I say this is bcuz, there doesnt usually seem to be a Yankees side to the rivalry. In the media, you always hear about the rivalry, but it always seems to come from the Red Sox side. I think the Red Sox hate the Yanks more than the Yanks hate the Sox. The Dodgers Giants is equal strong hate. Always benn that way.


The Giant/Dodger rivalry is a great one, although some of the intensity left when they moved.
However, nothing tops Yankees/Red Sox. New York and Boston are two of the best baseball cities in the league and the fans are very, very passionate about the sport. MLB players themselves make a distinction between "East Coast baseball" and the rest of the league.
Wearing Yankee colors in Fenway or Boston bars is also asking for trouble. Wearing Boston colors in Yankee stadium or the city isn't as dangerous but stuff still happens.
Red Sox fan chant "Yankees suck" at OTHER SPORTING EVENTS. They even did it at the Patriots first Super Bowl parade party in '02. Where else does this happen?
The Sox beat the Angels, Indians and Rockies to win this year but Sox fans still only taunt the Yankees on YA, not the fans of those teams.
The "Boston Massacre 2" of 2006 was amazing for me, a lifelong Yankee fan, as was Boone's home run in the '03 and how the Yankees kept the Sox down during the late '90s.


I would say Yanks/Sox at this point The Giants and Dodgers had a great rivalry during the 50s and 60s, but since then, they have rarely both been good at the same time. Meanwhile, the Yanks and Sox have gone through several generations of both teams being good at the same time... The Yanks and Sox were both great teams in the mid-late 70's, both were good pretty much throughout the 80s, and the late 90s and 2000's have seen some great season and post-season series between the two teams. There has probably never been anything like the Giants / Dodgers rivalry of the 50s and 60s... incredible hatred between the players on both sides...and both were great, great teams... Drysdale, Koufax, Mays, McCovey, Marichal, G. Perry, etc... but for the last 30 years or so, each team has had a little run of being good, but almost never at the same time. Which means that, when they play each other, it's for bragging rights only, and not to decide who goes to the post season (or who advances in the post season). The Yanks and Sox have played many more meaningful regular season (and post season) games against each other over the last 30+ years. Geez, they played back to back 7 game ALCS's in 2003 and 2004... teams in the same league can't play any games more important than an LCS.

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