Help, i keep getting a pop up window telling me . STOP! WINDOWS REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION windows has found

55 critical system errors. to fix the errors please do the following.
1. download registry update from:
2. install registry update.
3. run registry update.
4. reboot your computer.
failure to act now may lead to system failure!
Can I trust this message? Is it for real.


Favorite Answer

This is an example of Messenger Spam. It's an unwanted advertising message that uses the Windows Messenger Service - a standard Windows service for displaying messages on computers connected to a network - to display on your screen.

The fact that you are receiving these messages may indicate that you do not have a firewall running on your computer, so that people on the Internet can access services running on your PC. If you do have a firewall, then it may not have been configured to block access to the port used for sending Windows Messenger messages, or else you may have some spyware on your computer that is sending these messages.

Note: The Windows Messenger Service is not the same thing as the Windows Messenger online chat program that you may see running in your system tray.


No that is not real, I guarantee a year could pass and it would still says you only have only 55 critical system errors on your computer. What you have is adware on your computer. Go to and download a free 30 day trial of anti virus/spyware software and sweep your computer with it.


No, it's not for real. Don't ever download anything when you get that message. It's spyware. Download Spybot Search & Destroy. It's a free and valid program and run a bot check on your computer. This will get rid of any spyware that's on your computer and hopefully get rid of the annoying message.


It's probably adware. Reset your browser and see if that helps. Resetting you browser clears all of your history, cookies (probably where the location of the adware is), download files, etc. Most likely, you don't have any errors in registry. Don't trust it because they just want your money. If you don't know how to reset it, email me.


well this shows u hav spyware or registry errors on ur system
spywares slow down computer and net speed while registry errors lead to unstable system............
go get spyware doctor and perform full system scan after doing update...............if u need full spyware doctor
tell me on my email.................
i will mail u

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