I always notice Red Tailed Hawks wherever I go, even in the downtown core of Toronto. I would like to know what this means or symbolizes. I've always felt a strong pull toward nature and am learning to walk the Red Path now. Any words of wisdom and guidance are deeply appreciated!
in a handbasket2008-01-26T07:58:11Z
Favorite Answer
Red-tailed Hawks are very adaptable. They are able to use tall buildings for nesting areas, as they resemble cliffs, one of the natural nesting sites. Peregrine Falcons have done the same. Both species have benefited from the banning of DDT, which caused weakening of their eggs. I don't follow the same spiritual path as you, so I do not believe in the significance of seeing them, but I love birds and like to share my knowledge.
Possible but not likely. I work at the Humane Society and just recently moved slightly more populated with Red Tails. I have a small 5lb Chihuaua that loves to sun herself in our new backyard. I asked the wildlife staff of the risks. Heres what I got: 1) A Red Tail MIGHT try to go in to attack my dog as she is small enough to be mistaken but most likely won't. Also Red Tails don't typically grab prey on the fly. They land, kill, then take off. 5lbs would be too much for lift off. 2) Since my dog is...well a dog, she would put up a fight and probably fend the hawk off if it ever came to that. Is a small dog at risk of getting attacked? Yes - but small Can a small dog get killed? Yes - but only if the dog doesn't put up a fight for some reason Can a hawk take off from landing after killing a small dog? Pretty much a no. Also for a bird to actually be able to swoop in and grab prey on the fly without landing they would need open space, like say a beach and huge park. It's like a plane attempting to land but then lifts off. It needs appropriate distance and speed to make it happen. My backyard area is relatively small so a hawk doesn't have enough space to do the above. I feel better but still keep an eye on my dog now when she suns herself. Also there are different deterrents you can put up around the area to help.
Well, for one thing, Red Tails are extremely common. I'd say that once they had some significance for you, you started to notice them more and more. Like when you buy a Volvo, and suddenly you notice the number of Volvos around you.
Do a web search on animal totems.:) There are a number of sites with information on hawks but I think you'd benefit from looking them up and deciding which meaning rings true for you.