I swear to God I cannot stop talking about other people. All the stupid things they do. Granted they really are stupid things, but still, who the HELL am I to take notice of them? Or to share them with my friends?
I honestly think I must have a disease. I am such an asshead.
Dont you ever have times where just just really REALLY hate yourself more than usual?
Man I suck.
Melissa M2008-01-26T11:42:39Z
Favorite Answer
I can understand. I tend to fly of the handle and say some very horrible things about people, especially when it comes how they're raising children. I can't help, I hate stupid parents
This is ur ego the problem is what is ego ego is when u purposly try to dishearten someone by showing ur better than them.well the reality is u are nothing hangon dont get mad listen 2 what i am gona say next. lets say u are better than me at basket ball u still are no good becuse there is always a person who can beat u. there are people who can beat us that live in adifferent galaxy. so we will always be beat. so what do u do then u aknowledge this. also open up ur third eye chakra. to do so meditate. here this website will help you alot. go 2 google and type chakra test.go 2 the first 1 and its a website on chakras and how 2 open them. also watch videos on Yogi bhajan.
Good luck any question email me at mfbc101@yahoo.com
Oh no. You're such a sweet looking baby. I bet you're sweet in real life. dont call yourself names. Practice working on your gossiping. Ask God to help you. It will take some time, but you can do it.
well the fact that u said "dont you ever have time where u just really REALLY hate yourself more than usual?" tells me that u do hate yourself. I was watching something about this on Oprah one time. some psychologist said that all the things that u do like gossiping about others, saying horrible things to ppl can be a sign of self hatred.