cingular two year contract renewal?

so if you have a contract with cingular then every two years you can get a new phone for cheap. i got my contract in february 2005. in december 2006, they said i could get one a few months before 2 years so i got a new phone. then in april 2007 i lost that phone, and i got a new having to pay the whole price. so when can i get a new phone for the cheaper price? like december 2008? february 2009? april 2009?


Favorite Answer

generally its 21 months into a 24 month contract .. there can be a 30 day window to do it early though.
you can go online to your my wireless account and click on upgrade it should tell you when your eligible to upgrade and you can also call ATT customer care and ask them they can tell you when~!

back from the dead2008-01-27T07:26:34Z

Feb. 2009


You should be eligible Dec 2008