Is there a way to induce a lucid dream upon yourself?


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First off, you've got to develop strong dream recall. To help you remember your dreams, keep a dream journal where you write your dreams down. To regain memory, think about one thing that happened and then what happened before that and so on.

Then, you've got to perform reality checks. Whenever you encounter a new situation or move to a new room or environment, ask yourself if this is possible. Of course, the answer will be yes, but get in the habit, and it will become habitual during sleep. A reality check is important to let you know that you are dreaming and to let you gain control.

To induce the dream, recite to yourself "I will have a lucid dream." Another thing you can do is rub your fingertips while you go to sleep.

Finally, so you remember your dream, it's important to wake up after the dream, in the middle of the night. Set an alarm clock to wake you up about six hours into your sleep. A stage of brain activity during sleep erases memory of a dream. When you wake up, you have a chance to remember it.


Use the weblinks in section 3, at on dreams.


You could talk yourself into it, mind over matter.

Some traditions use herbs, or rituals, but it might be a little more peculiar than what you're asking for ;)

Other than that you really cannot force yourself to it (or not to).