Plan on buying the T-Mobile Blackbery Curve (8320)?

A few thing: Is it possible to access emails (gmail) without any additional plan (like an email plan, etc) and is it possible that the phone does not delete the emails, so i can download those later onto my laptop at home?
Also, does the map-feature work without phone-reception?

And last but not least, to what extend is it possible to personalize the phone (like wall-paper, ringtone, vibra-alarm, etc)

Thanks people


Favorite Answer

To receive emails or check gmail, and to use the maps feature, you will need a data plan from your service provider. Further, to use the GPS function with the maps feature, you may need an additional service plan for that from your service provider.

I do not use gmail, but I presume that it works similar to any pop3 mail system where you would have an option to leave a copy of the messages on the server (and subsequently be able to receive them on your laptop later).

As for the personalizations, yes you can change or customize the settings you listed.


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