Is there any sort of test or questionaire to determine if you are demonically possessed?

I'm not talking about head spinning around, green slime puking possession like on the Exorcist, but just, well, like sort of having the devil in you. Like there is always something stopping you from doing the right thing and something that makes you do the wrong thing instead. Is there a church or religious denomination that might offer such a test and then might counsel you or exercise if necessary? I'm not joking, I'm serious.

Linda J2008-02-01T19:14:43Z

Favorite Answer

You really won't get any good answers here. Please go to a church, or even call a ministry and talk to someone one on one.
That's the best thing you can do for yourself.

May I pray for you?

section hand2008-02-02T03:47:38Z

Self Mutilation; Remedy Two Holy Spirit Believers
Speak what God has said in His Word,Nothing Else---Satan will try to Draw Believers into His
Arena, Feelings-Seeing-But stay with God"s Word-When this demon leaves and He will,he doesn"t like to hear the Name Jesus,The Person that is Free from Bondage will need to make a Public Confession,or The demon that departed will bring other demons with Him,demons like Familiar areas,they have an assigned Area;Be it a Man-or town or Nation;When a Person ask Jesus to come and ask Him to be Lord of His life, No demon or 6000 demons will come past Him;
To answer Your question there is no test;
You stated You desire to do what is Right,that is Good;I would do this , at Prayer Time at our local
church ,walk up to the Alter,ask for Elders to Pray for and with You,that is what we do,You don"t have to tell everything,God knows it all anyway;
I will say this Satan tries to Hinder every Believer
Study the book of John and Pray, talk to God;


Try saying you want Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Should be no problem if you are not possessed. But really mean it. Also read the bible, ask for God to show you the truth by His Holy Spirit.

If not go to a church that believes in the gifts of the Spirit. A full gospel church.

Jakero Evigh2008-02-02T03:15:57Z

1. Are you christian?

2. Are you susceptible for any kind of mental illness? If you answered yes to number 1 then skip this question.

3. Are people constantly telling you that you are guilty of sin even though you've haven't done anything wrong?

4. Do you believe yourself to be "evil"?

5. Do you have a history of schizophrenia or mpd?

6. Have you ever experience psychological trauma via some kind of physical or emotional abuse?

If you answered yes to any 3 of these questions. It is possible you are suffering some form of mental illness that is usually mistaken for possession and should seek professional help immediately.

Maureen S2008-02-02T03:15:51Z

You have a great imagination. Like I told somebody else who was talking about the "devil", you should write a book.
Someone with your imagination would do well in the "horror" movie industry.

I am sorry, but I cannot take you seriously. It is hard for me to fathom, why in this day and age, there are people who still, actually believe that "something" makes you DO the wrong thing.

You choose, to do the "wrong": thing, they are called MISTAKES. You learn by your mistakes, hopefully and that is why you grow< (not literally of course).

If you are serious, I suggest you go and see a therapist. At this point you are living in fear of YOURSELF, but you would probably turn round, after making a mistake and say THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT.

Oh boy!!!!!

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