Can someone hold down a job and still have tattoos?

I know that most of us with tattoos are in prison, gangs, or live on welfare but surely someone, besides me has a job. Let me start

1) College degree, Estimator at a Steel Fabrication Plant
2) Two tattoos
3) Outer upper arms, (can be covered with a polo length shirt)

Thanks for playing


Okkkk......Was'nt aware that I had to explain that the above statement was written in sarcasm.....


What I would like from you is how many what kind of job do you have......are you a doctor, a lawyer, a ditch digger...etc. How many tattoos?
Where are they located...(can they be covered).......


Thank you Mika (a voice of sanity) I was hoping you were lurking around


Thats great mtzshorty3, a lawyer with tattoos......lets keep breaking those stereotypes.
Could we possibly have a teacher or "gasp" minister out there with tattoos?


A nurse, Thank you tak


Thank you Aimee,


Thats great LO, A coporate manager... and with visible tattoos......another stereotype broken!


Thanks mommatobe. A Masters and a finanicial advisor....who would have thought it....


That's great Lela, as a personal trainer I'm sure you deal with all types of people,.......we can add PT to the list!


Wow Michele, working on the PHD, how did you find time to get so many tattoos. So now we can add teacher to the list.


Thank you Sacha, your point is well taken. There will have to be changes made in the future as more and more people become fasinated by this particular body modification.


Hey Melissa, My youngest daughter is just finishing her junior year in college getting a degree in dental hygiene......good for you.


well yeahyeahyeah's easy to see where you get your nickname. I'll bet before anybody gets a sentence out around you, you interrupt with "yeahyeahyeah". You form your opinions without listening (or reading in this case) If you would have continued reading my question (and read the responses) you would know what this thread was about, and saved yourself some embarrassment. But I'm sure you're use to it by now.
So we can add yeahyeahyeah and her boyfriend (Grad-Students) to the list of people who break the stereotypes and myths about not being able to succeed with tattoos. And hurray to California for leading the way.


My goodness....someone with a degree in theology......AND and an exotic car rental business.... and their back covered with tattoos......will wonders never cease.
Thanks for stopping by JKC (and I hope the meeting with your artist went well.


Thanks for playing Jenova.....and I'm glad you made the point that a private business could allow one to be tattooed whereever they like.


Hello Sooty...... It's nice to have you stop by the tattoo section. So we have a printer with tattoos......which can be hidden if he wishes, (and I think listening to his mom about location was a cool thing to do. It kinda involved her in the process) Thanks for playing sooty (and thanks for listening)


Zombie!!!!! I knew you would show up and straighten me out. Civil Engineering, History....working for an internet marketing firm......but you have is it that you can even read!!!!


Well thanks for throwing your two cents worth in Lindsey. Be sure and post a picture of that tattoo when you get it.


thanks for playing Olivia, I'm sure you will be a success!!


Favorite Answer

I recognized the sarcasm. Hmmm... I have 8 tattoos, some are rather recent, but I used to work as a Senior Account Coordinator for a Fortune 500 company with tattoos and never had a problem. I have a tattoo on each forearm, a tattoo on my neck, thigh, calf, and ankle. I also have one on my temple, but I have special stage makeup that I use to cover that up if needed.

I love shattering stereotypes. :) I would love to see how the haters feel after finding out how many doctors, lawyers, CEOs etc. are tattooed and they would never know.


Hi, I'm Olivia, and I'm 24.

1) I graduated from high school 8th in my class (out of 300 something)
2) I earned 2 bachelors degrees in the time it takes most people to earn 1 (business and fashion marketing)
3) I'm almost finished with my masters degree (entertainment business).
4) I have tattoos, several of them in highly visible locations. They can be covered if I choose to cover them, but usually I choose not to.
5) I work part-time as a professional piercer, I work weekends at an upscale salon, I teach bellydancing classes twice a week, and I DJ at a local DnB night once a month.

I suppose I'm not exactly the best example of a career woman with tattoos, mainly because I haven't really started my career.
Ask again next year, and hopefully I'll be able to tell you how much of a hot sh*t businesswoman I am.


Ha, I loved your question, and also the feedback you gave each person. Anyways, I'm gonna add onto the one that said something about being a teacher with tattoos. I'm an assistant teacher, no tattoos yet but getting my first one in March [very excited!!] and I work with several females that have tattoos, and they don't cover them up. I'm at an elementary school by the way. As far as I know, and from what I've asked them, they weren't asked to cover them up either. So yes... as I'm sure you know already [note my sarcasm LOL] you can have a job and have tattoos as well! Sorry, I'm in a goofy mood today.


My partner has several tattoos which he had done in the army when he was young. He promised his mother that he would get the tattoos where they could be covered up ( on leg, upper arm) to have the "right" image- he is now a printer!

So, yes a tattoo does not have the same image that it once had and is not as discriminatory as it once was.

I don't have any tattoos and prefer if someone draws on me with a felt tip pen or texta( that way I have lots of different tats!) Ok , I have no committment - but I still admire a well drawn Tat.


I understand the question of course :) You already know this but I'll play along and go ahead and list it:
1) College degree - minor in theology believe it or not
2) Business owner - husband and I own exotic rental car company - low and behold we have tattoos and can afford to buy the cars......
Also have my own bookkeeping business I run from home, husband is also in IT
3) Back covered in tattoos
4) Husband 1/2 sleeve
All can be covered.
This was fun :)

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