Again! any muslim converts in here? would u plz tell us how did u come to islam?!?
i'ld love to know,
thanks in advance :)
peace be upon u all.
i'ld love to know,
thanks in advance :)
peace be upon u all.
The REAL Tiffy!
Favorite Answer
Salam Aleikum my sweet sister Muslim Rose, you know my story!
I came in contact with Islam a little over 20 years ago. i met a man than who i married, he was a Muslim. I wanted to know more about his background. Unfortunately he was not a practising Muslim.
He did not pray, drank alcohol, but did expect me more or less to convert. The methods he used to convince me were his fists and sometimes feet. Not a good way to convince some one, i can assure you!
Not only did it end my marriage, but also the quest i started into Islam, although it always kept my interest. I would read about it ocasionally, would defend it it needed...... but that was about it.
How true though that Allah choses who He wants. He is patient though!! He kept calling me now and again, but i refused to listen. Until about 2 years ago. I met some one on line. A really nice young man, who i became good friends with.
One day we came to talk about religion and i found out he was Muslim. It was like i was hit with a hammer on the head, a moment of revelation. It was like Allah himself telling me: 'Ok Missy Tiffy, it is really time now...... i've waited long enough, playtime is over!' So i started to look into Islam, really look into it. I found some wonderful sisters through 360 land who were a great help to me: Zifkos and American Muslimah.
Than on 22 December 2006 i could not sleep, facing some problems ahead of me. Instead of worrying my head off, i put on the lights and opened my Qu'ran at random. There the first words i read were about not to fear because Allah would provide. I cannot explain how that made me feel. I took my shahada than and there in the privacy of my bedroom. I said over and over: 'There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his servant and messenger' . I felt so incredibly light and happy!
My life has changed in many ways since than. All good!! I'm more at peace than i've ever been. And that good friend........ Inshallah one day very soon now he'll be my husband!
Allahu Akbar!!
Hugs, Tiffy
I don't mean to sound rude or ignorant. But is this true that the the book of islam (kran) says to hate all other that are not muslim and to hate christians? If that's true, it's not a religion, god wouldn't want us to hate anyone. I hope I am wrong.
i am a born muslim, but i learned so much from the people who joined islam:
not long ago, only few months ago, i went through the toughest time in my life, and thanks God, i tried to find peace in faith. so i started to read different islamic books, and started to feel better. then i read this book "why i became muslim?", and i followed it by 4 other books with the same concept, in 4 different parts. so, they were total of 5 books of stories of converts
i would say, i enjoyed so so much reading them. i read them as someone who is reading a beautiful novel and everyday tries to find out what happens next. i read some parts again, again and again, like the child who watch the same cartoon 20 times and still enjoying it.
they were amazing stories, of people who went with a lot of struggle to find the light of truth. i felt so great about the greatness of my religion. i felt that my problem is a peice of rock in front of a mountain. i felt relieved so much. i admired those people courage, especially when they had to face a lot of criticism when they convert or when girls wear hijab.
i searched and i met a very old friend from highschool days who dedicated big part of his life to da'wah (calling to islam). he told me some interesting experiences.
one of my favourite enjoyment nowadays is to read or hear stories of converts. and i thanked God so much that i was born muslim. I don't know if i was not, will i had the will to search for truth and the courage to follow it?!!
i pray for God that inshallah as i born muslim i die muslim
sweetie p
My sister was introduced to Islam by her algebra tutor. She's been muslim and married to him for 16 years. I married her tutors best friend but, although I followed the restrictions of Islam, I did not convert. My sister is happier than I have ever seen her. She is married to a very good man no matter what the religion.
My iimaan increases more when i come to know about such great stories of muslim reverts...
thanks to all...