how can I melt the ice on my deck stairs with items I already in pantry?
I pay to have my driveway cleared and gravel put down, but I cannot get down my deck stairs now, as I have no commercial product on hand. What items already in my pantry would work for this.
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table salt works great- but it's expensive. If you've got a water softener, and you have the 'flakes' for it..that's even better. The only bad thing about salting steps is that if will age the wood faster(will expose the wood to freeze thaw cycles) so it's a good idea to sweep it off after you've melted the ice. Don't use hot water- as all you'll do is melt the ice that's on there and make fresh ice(unless it's above freezing). Anyway, just a few ideas. If you want something that's inexpensive and works good for traction on steps and won't harm it, get some #1 turkey grit at a feed store and sprinkle it on. Works great!
use some salt(table or rock)and kitty litter or even rice. You could just put a towel down so you can get down the steps without busting your butt. once you do get out try a product called Zeroice. it works great throw down just like rock salt and it melts the ice away quickly