Why does coffee make you poop? Also, why do I seem to poop more when I'm menstrating?
Sorry. I know it's gross, but I've always wondered why.
Sorry. I know it's gross, but I've always wondered why.
Favorite Answer
Sounds to me as though you are permanently a bit dehydrated. You should try cRRYING bottle of water with you and sip it throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Coffee is a diuretic and makes you expel water from your body. Some of this comes out with your pooh softening and bulking it and make it easier to pass.
The week before their period women tend to retain fluid and get a little bloated. This extra water is passed when the priod starts and the hormone balance changes. Again this softens and bulks your stools.
u may poop more when u are on ur period for 2 reasons.
1. u may have a tilted uterious which puts pressure on the poop tube.
2. when u have cramps it's ur muscles contracting and releasing.
i think it's the caffiene in coffe that can act as a laxative. and the same chemicals your body makes to help it get the period out of your body can make you poop more or even get diarrhea.
adolescent on the loose
i don't know the first answer, but the second one is: your uterus can sometimes push on your large intestine, making it feel like you have to poop.
here's a funny period poem my mom told me:
I was so broken hearted
came to poop, but only farted lol :}
It is common to have diarrhea around your period.
I talked to my doctor about this, and she said it is completely normal.