dog training using german commands - pls help!?

I would like to train my puppy using german commands. I attempted to use an online translator am unsure how accurate it is (I think not very since I got two very different answers for the same word at two different times). In particular, I am looking for the following: come, sit, stay, down/lay down, off, leave it/drop it, heel, attack, release, ignore, jump, over, through, weave, up, down, across, as well as anything else important in agility that I may have missed. If there is a website listing them that would be great; correct pronunciation would also be great.
Any help much appreciated, thanks!

Nedra E2008-02-03T12:03:39Z

Favorite Answer

If you aren't fluent in German, then there's no point in you trying to train the dog to german commands as you cannot pronounce them properly.

If you have some valid reason why you MUST, then you need to pay a translator to TEACH YOU how to properly pronounce those commands. You also need to learn, in that case, what commands a german dog trainer would use.




Why would you want him to use german commands?

If you dont speak german, dont do it. Speaking 2 languages can confuse the dog even more.


I would start doing some serious dog training sessions ASAP. Dog trainers/schools are OK, but if YOU are the one that trains your dog, he'll listen to you much more willingly. Here's a dog training course I recommend...

♪Majestik moose© ★is preggers★2008-02-03T12:04:12Z

commands in German,Czech,french and Hungarian

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