Do you believe that if there is a God, He/She is intelligent.?

Let's say there is a God.

Would God rather spend time with:

1. A person who adores him but also believes Him to be a murderer and a bigot. The biblical god is both of those.

2. A person who seeks knowledge and is not sure that there is a god because there is no proof. They have a hard time with the idea that they are suppose to love a deity that could murder all life on earth except for one family, or sentence anyone to "hell" for questioning what they think is nonsense.

Does God want to spend eternity engaged in interesting conversation or reading the buy-bull with puppets?


Favorite Answer

I adore God, but I do not believe He is a murderer and a bigot. Yes, there were many people who were killed in His name, but think about it. All gods want to be the only ones worshiped, and all who don't worship them converted or killed. Ok, maybe not all of them, but a lot of them. Many many people killed in the name of their gods. What about the Aztecs? Ancient middle eastern religions sacrificed to their gods as well.

I also seek knowledge. I love learning. I also have my proof that God is real, and hears me and knows who I am. Proof is not something that can be passed along to others. It is something to have to acquire on your own. God sent a flood upon the earth because the people were exceedingly wicked. They were warned, and they still chose not to repent. It is not like God just said He was going to do it, and gave man no time to turn back to Him. Think how long it would take Noah and his sons to build an ark that big. It wasn't a weekend project. lol

And also, you will not go to hell for questioning God. I do not believe in Heaven and Hell, and that's it. There are 3 glories. Hell in the term that people think of it is a 4th place in and of itself. Most likely only a handful of people will actually go there. Everyone else will go to a degree of glory. And, if you do not believe in this "nonsense" in this life, you will have the chance to accept it in the life to come.

Eternity will be a lot more interesting than that. Those that believe in God are not puppets. We are not controlled by anyone else, or at least we are not supposed to be. God should influence our actions and decisions, but He is not meant to be seen as a slave driver, who will punish us at the slightest mistake. Besides, God knows us better than we know ourselves, so why would He have to talk to us anyways? lol


Well, Gorgeous, you know my God is the God of the Bible. I don't think God is a murderer or a bigot from the way I interpret the Bible. I also think God honors all who seek with honest and sincere hearts, and has a place for them. In eternity we will learn more than our physical brains can now hold, and share in wonders beyond imagining now.

Bless you.

Agellius CM2008-02-05T00:37:46Z

There are so many fallacies here I hardly know where to begin.

First, if you think God could possibly be interested in anything you could have to say in conversation is absurd, since he would know every thought of yours before you even conceive of it, and he knows vastly more than you do and understands things infinitely better than you do. He would not be sitting on the edge of his seat wondering what you will say next, and he won't gaze into your eyes and be amazed at your perspicuity and insight. Nothing about you will amaze him and there will be nothing mysterious to him about you.

Second, the fact that God had people killed in the Bible does not make him a murderer. The reason it's wrong for us to murder is that we can't possibly judge who is fit to die, since we're -- guess what? -- not God. But God -- guess what? -- is God.

Further, we don't know what happened to the people God had killed, after they died. How do you know they weren't infinitely happier after death than they were before? How do you know they're not sitting before his throne at this very moment, laughing at you for judging God's decision to kill them, when from their perspective it was the best thing that ever happened to them?

Third, that God does not want puppets to adore him in Heaven, is precisely why we believe he put us on this earth, where we are free to make the decision whether to adore him or not. So if we get to Heaven, it's because we wanted to go there, not because he makes us. Puppets hardly.


God is the only intelligence of the universe, including man, therefore man can never tell God anything, for all comes from Him. In this age, it appears to this man, that there is a "real" place outside of infinity, and so there are many unanswered questions that trouble this man of "today."

Ironic Destiny2008-02-05T00:19:57Z

I'm sure that God would want to do both per say. But you are getting into the mind of God, if he/she exist. I would say that the bible reveals to us how God can do a little intellectual talking but a little of the first as well. You just never know.

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