Maximum number of multi-monitors?

How many monitors could you possibly attach to one system unit? First is for a standard desktop computer next is the other one is for a modded rig and a possibly server type or mainfraime type of computer. Or if possible a special build computer.

I need this for a research project and I need a source which can show me info.


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i think it's all depends on videocard.


The referenced page lists pci cards that have 4 outputs. I know of motherboards that have 5 pci slots so I can put a lower bound on your question of 20 monitors. Past that I do not know.

The newegg link I have has 5 pci slots + a pci-e, so that's 24 monitors. You may need a custom operating system to drive hardware configured like this.

Edit again:
If you have the money an IBM i595 with as many IO expansion units as possible can have 1152 pci slots, with a 4 output card in each that's 4608 outputs. You will definitely need custom software to drive all of them though.

Edit again again:
A standard desktop will usually not have more than 2 outputs in the video card it came with.