What is your personal struggle in your religion and how are you or did you overcome it?
My personal struggle is my inability to just give God the controls to do what he wills as opposed to me just going where I want to. I have not overcome this even though I try. Pride and control are my huge weakness.
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My personal struggle right now is creating a good relationship with God. I mean, I do believe in Him and in Christ and accept Him into my life. But it feels like I am not giving the love and worship which is worthy of Him. I feel so ineffective as a Christian.
My personal struggle was how the biblical God handled "non-believers". I would give him full control if only He didnt kill all of Egypts First Borns. Even though He is God and He can do whatever He pleases, I simply can not overcome this fact. It is on the opposite spectrum of my understanding of infinite and supreme love, compassion and understanding. I would have to tell this to His face before I could overcome this weakness.
My personal struggle in my religion is struggling with my bad or evil part and I would be struggling with it my entire life. I overcome it by ignoring it or asking God for help and guidance.
my personal struggle is trying to be an 18 year old muslim girl and trying to convince people i'm not "repressed" or abused by men. i'm also struggling to show people the truth and peace about islam. basically i try to overcome it by setting an example, trying to do whats right.