Remember being a teenager and thinking "Adults are so exagerative" when they talked about the real world?
Dont you want to go back now and beat yourself with a bat for being so stupid?
For actually thinking life would be simple and not complicated?
Sorry, I just had to vent for a second. We're in the middle of buying a house and God almighty if it could be simple everyone envolved would die, I am certain.
And I even WORK as a real estate agent. Holy crap.
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I remember feeling that way, it makes me want to smack my kids upside the head when they act like I don't know what I am talking about.
I have a greater understanding for my mother these days.
Yes, adults used to exaggerate about everything. I couldn't wait to be able to go to work, go to my super cool apartment, and just hang out. I wish! Adults do not exaggerate, if anything, we downplay how hard it really is because then the kids would never leave! I too understand my mother much more now that I am older. I feel badly that I said and thought so many mean things about her.
Yes, in many ways. I used to think, 'Ooooooh, I can't WAIT until I go out into the real world and move out of home and get a job so I don't have to go to school anymore!'. If only it were that simple!
HAHAHA no kiddin! And geez, I acted like my Mom wasn't even human! I just don't remember as a teen realizing that my mom was a PERSON. With FEELINGS. Man, guess I should have listened to her..hahaha getting old is funny.