Are we yahoo users ready to support yahoo in its tough times?

I am and one of the best ways I know how is to stop using google searches. Yahoo is as good, but google got a lot of hype and so so people forgot yahoo. I like yahoo and get upset when people on answers say "google it". Lets band together and support where we have been given so many free programs; COME BACK TO YAHOO.


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Good for you....I am "on board", rather than answer a question if I have to Google it, I won't....I loved the Yahoo and hate that we are being forced to Goolge.
I for one will not do it.....thank you


use both yahoo and Google. I do not use the ads. Yahoo is the web page and mail system I prefer. They hit me with enough adds and if it stays like this I prefer it for features the others do not offer. It has a niche. If it turns into a MSN page and is no different than MSN, it will die. The marketing has to concentrate on the different features it has and find a competitive advantage on the difference by improving some of the research items it has. The map system prints out easier and better than the others for traveling as an example. It did have good business info on the tool bar. I do not have the tool bar and hope to get it back. I will stick with yahoo. It was more friendly also as a service. Does anyone have any good points to note.


No, personally I do not have brand loyalty when the end objective is personal monetary profit. I would be more apt to support American auto makers over the imports than support Yahoo over Google.


Yes I am. It's one of the reasons I love Yahoo Answers so much too. It's so easy for me to use.


i dont use google, i use yahoo and i have been for about 20+ yrs
and will keep using yahoo !!!

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