Catholics: Will the Catholic Church ever accept same-sex marriage? Or artificial birth control?

The Catholic Church has changed its teachings on sexual morality a number of times.

In the time of St Augustin, he wrote that to the extent that one enjoys the sexual act to that extent one commits at least venial sin.

Until very recently -- last century -- it was ALWAYS considered sinful to have sex IF you did not intend it to be procreative. Thus it was sinful to have sex with your wife while she was pregnant or when it was known she could not conceive.

Pope Pius XI (encyclical Casti Connubii) added the "unitive principle" (being in love) to that of the necessity to procreate as reasons for the sex act. He also allowed for people to use the "rythym method" of birth contriol.

In 1966, a commission of Bishops and theologians reported to Pope Paul 6th, in a majority decision, that it was OK to use artificial birth control. He disregarded their opinion.

Will the Church EVER allow birth control?

Or same-sex marriage?


I agree. But using this EXACT Natural Law methodology, the pope, in 1866, stated that the Institution of SLAVERY was neither against the Divine Law nor the Natural Law.



It is NOT required that procreation be the intent of the sex act. Otherwise people who can not conceive would not be allowed to have sex, and the use of the rythym method would be allowed.



I was a seminarian for 8 years and have had 4 years of Catholic Theology. I find you answer impuning my intelligence and knowledge offensive.



Start reading some history. The Church (Catholic) has changed its moral position on many issues. You can start reading "Changes in Official Catholic Moral Teachings" by Theologian Charles E. Curran. Readings in Morsal Theology #13.

I studied under Father Curran at Catholic University in Washington DC.



Yes. I did learn quite a lot.

Your opinion is biased just as mine is. Our biases can not be completely overcome. I just try my best to do just that. I have come to the honest conclusion that the Bible does NOT condemn loving committed same sex relationships. This decision was neither hasty nor without a lot of study and prayer. I have spent much of my life in trying to understand this moral issue.

And I am quite affronted at your suggestion that I "did not learn anything."

All your words in last anaylsis lie with interpretation. Sure I can be wrong. But I have come to this conclusion as honestly as possible.


The Magisterium of the CC uses the Fathers of the Church to support their position all the time.

Reading Augustine, Jerome, and Gregory of Nyssa would Appall people today. ”Marriage” was considered more a contract than a covenant in the early history of the church and also so profane that commoners were not permitted to be married in any church. It was NOT considered a sacrament until the 12th century.

In 655 the Ninth Council of Toledo, to help enforce clerical celibacy, declared all children of clerics to be SOLD INTO SLAVERY! This later became Canon Law.

For centuries it was asserted that the conjugal act not be free from sin unless it truly sought the transmission of life! Theologians before St. Alphonsus Liguori maintained the necessity for the INTENT TO PROCREATE!

It was Casti Connubial [Pius XI] and later Humanae Vitae [Paul VI] changed the long held tradition allowing that the conjugal act need ONLY to be procreational in FORM.


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Unfortunately, the physical basis of Catholic theology is a concept borrowed from the Romans known as "Natural Law". According to that, everything has a natural function or destiny that it is evil to disrupt. Sex naturally tends to produce babies. Gay sex and abortion prevent babies. Ripping "Natural Law" out would leave a huge logical hole in the whole structure and make theological revision a doubtful proposition. They'd essentially have to redo their view of life, salvation, everything.

If you see the Church allowing condom use (for disease control or whatever), there might be a chance for the rest. But don't hold your breath.


What St. Augustine gave was his opinion. What he said about experiencing pleasure during sex being a sin has never been a teaching of the Church.

IT STILL IS considered sinful to have sex if you did not intend it to be procreative. This is the basis behind the prohibition of artificial contraception.

A commission of bishops and theologians may have recommended a change in the policy on artificial contraception, but they are not the Pope. The Pope, in communion with the college of cardinals and bishops, declares doctrine.

It is more likely that water will Satan will ice skate than the church change it's position on artificial birth control or same sex marriage


It has not changed it's views on sexual morality. The official view of the Church is what your looking for and not what so and so says---or advises. ---No gay marriage will never happen within the Roman Catholic Church and also Birth Control other than natural family planning will never be practiced in the Roman Catholic Church. Notice I said Roman Catholic.

Yeah, I'll remember you when I get to Heaven


You know how I know infallibly that you are NOT a Catholic ? You think that what St Augustine said is what the Church says.
He is only SAINT Augustine because the Church said so.

Secondly, this is an absurdity that anybody can see : "Thus it was sinful to have sex with your wife while she was pregnant or when it was known she could not conceive" I'v been to a bunch of weddings where the bride was so old she had less chance than Sarah of conceiving !! It is better that I think you are dense than a liar, so I will.

The Pope didn't "allow" anything. That method (Billings) wasn't always around you know. Allow, get outta town.

I wish I could pinch your ear on this one : "In 1966, a commission...He disregarded their opinion" Do you have any idea why they reported to him and he didn't report to them. Take a wild guess. Because's he's Pope. He is the Jesus-given guardian of faith and morals. He's the Pope.

You've proven one thing, You're not a Catholic. Frankly until you get some intelligence and get off your lazy butt, don't be a Catholic !!!

You don't deserve an answer and I hope no one gives you one.


The CC will do whatever it must in order to survive. I am a Catholic but do not see the CC as the most noble or moral of institutions. Their have been men of the church who have helped Kings decide who to war with and plunder their gold.
Priest have molested children and had sex.
Now lets remember these are men just like you and me so sinning is their nature so how can one look at their actions and decisions on issues and then say God would not do that. You can not hold their actions and decisions to the level of God. God is perfect men are not.

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