who placed 2,3,4.....in the westminster?


Favorite Answer

For Best in Show, they only do Best in Show. No 2nd, 3rd or 4th. Sorry.

Truther May2008-02-12T23:22:27Z

for real! i'm trying to find out the same thing lol.. they haven't updated their website yet, so i guess i'll find out tomorrow ._.;

i hope the Australian Shepherd came in 2nd!

EDIT: ahh the poster below is correct, they don't award any 2nd 3rd or 4th places for best in show :( that's so lame. i'm kinda confused as to why the judges came out holding so many trophies if there was only one winner though!


Which group??

For Best in Show there is only one placement!

Kevin A2008-02-12T23:13:21Z

i dont know it