Am I evil to feel this way?

My 23 yr old step son lives at home with his dad and me. He has no job, money, car or education.
He does have 2 sons however and a very large social life.
The problem is that this boy's father asks nothing of his son to contribute to the household for the free room and board nor does the son offer any help, yet he certainly takes his liberties to the max.
He knew it was going to snow today so he took off for the entire day so that he would not have to shovel snow. I feel resentful that he is freeloading and not doing anything to improve his lifestyle. Am I wrong to feel this way?


Favorite Answer

no i dont think your wrong to feel that way if i was in your shoes i'd prolly feel the same. however, since his your step son it might make you look bad, talk to your husband about how you feel, I mean i understand that he cares for his son&want to provide for him but let him know that he can't ALWAYS be there to support his son financially. His son have to learn how to be independent one day.


clearly you're a caring person and it hurt you to see your step son in this situation.
it looks like his father wants to teach him to be a better person by "being neglected till he figure it out on his own"
either your husband ignoring his son because he doesn't want him to hate and resent him or he really don't care (which is really doubtful)
his son is a man already (or suppose to be) and he needs to take responsibility and control his life and he probably knows that but he's confused and don't know what to do except run away from the problem.
you should really talk to your husband about it, ask him if he has any plans for his son and if he didn't do anything he's son situation will get worse.


you are 100% right and if its your son you might accept but when its a step son it shows that he takes you all for granted!!

Sweeney T2008-02-13T00:37:15Z

that sounds frustrating indeed.
no youre not evil, youre just frustrated right now