Shell Dwellers?

Hey, has anyone here kept shell dwellers? I want a fish with lots of personality for a 10 gallon tank, are they fun? If not, any other suggestions?


Favorite Answer

I've kept a couple of species of shell dwellers. They are delightful,but to keep them in a 10 gallon tank would demand almost constant attention. Here's why. As Tanganyikan Lake fish they require water of extremely high pH (around 9.0), and hardness in the range of 425 ppm. These conditions make ammonia by-products highly toxic. To keep even one pair of these little jewels in a 10 gallon tank would require water changes at least twice a week. And unless you have a hard water well in your back yard,you will have to manufacture the water. This is all possible,but it can become expensive.


lovely fish try this website its great and will cover everything i could dit here and try to list. good luck