yugioh card ruling question?

Ok heres the deal. My friend an i were dueling and he had his Dark Paladin out (fusion of buster blader and Dark magician in case i named it wrong) i had out my despair from the dark and i used creature swap to take his monster then he said Dark paladin was removed because when you use creature swap equips are destroyed and his paladin had refusion attached. If somebody could figure that i would apreciate it. Who's right?


Favorite Answer

creature swap will NOT destroy refusion or any equip card. it simply switches the control of the monsters. refusion is still equipped to dark paladin and it stays on your opponent's field. equip cards are only destroyed when the equipped monster is flipped face-down (you can't equip a face-down monster) or if the monster is removed from the field. since dark paladin hasn't left the field yet, refusion stays and so will dark paladin


I don't know, but a straight flush beats a full house.