Is the Bob Long Infamous a good gun?...also how much could......?
Is the 2006 Bob Long Infamous a good gun? Is it better than a Indian Creek Design Promaster? and also how much could I sell a brand new ICD Promaster for?
Is the 2006 Bob Long Infamous a good gun? Is it better than a Indian Creek Design Promaster? and also how much could I sell a brand new ICD Promaster for?
Jon P
Favorite Answer
All Bob Long Guns are among the top markers ever made. I own 2 Intimidator-series markers myself, and they are easily the best I have used in term of reliability, ease of maintenance, and performance. Bob Longs are in the top 5 speedball gun list along with brands like MacDev, Dye, and WDP.
Indian Creek made excellent markers at reasonable prices, but they are sadly out of business. You'll still be able to find parts, etc., and they are excellent mid-level tournament guns, but they are not as good as a Bob Long. You should be able to sell a Promaster for about $350-425 depending on the condition and what you're including with it. The Promaster is a great performer, and is very well made, so you should get a good price for it.
Bob Long Infamous Intimidator