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coolcat 08
Alliteration is the initial sound of stressed syllables. Alliteration is not always the first letter of every word. It often times appears in the middle of words. In the case with vowels, there will be a common vowel sound in each of the words. Here are some examples I have found from poems.
Stopping by Woods: the only other sound's the sweep (o's)
Storm Fear: When the wind whispers (w's, i's, and e's) (alliteration and assonance) ,
The Silken Tent: sunny summer day's playing away (alliteration and assonance) (S's, u's, a's)
Hope this helps.
It sounds like you're searching for a term, and not examples (right?). If that's so, I'm not sure what you're looking for. Here's an exerpt from a web page, in case something is on here you're thinking of:
Main Entry: assonance
Synonyms: alliteration, blank verse, chime, clink, consonance, crambo, dingdong, double rhyme, drone, eye rhyme, harping, humdrum, jingle-jangle, jingle, monotone, monotony, near rhyme, paronomasia, pitter-patter, pun, repeated sounds, repetitiousness, repetitiveness, rhyme, rhyme royal, rhyme scheme, rhyming dictionary, single rhyme, singsong, slant rhyme, stale repetition, tail rhyme, tedium, trot, unnecessary repetition, unrhymed poetry
But repetition of vowel sounds is assonance... "Do you like blue?" Not sure what else there is... Good luck.
an alligator answered an answer