Are you tired of seeing people put this on their answers?

"Hope this helps"

Why do people think just because they put that, I will pick them? My question sometimes is a Yes or No question. Like "Do you like cheese?"

they will say yes, because it tastes good. Hope this helps. Honestly stop doing it. I wanna hear what people have to say about this.


Favorite Answer

It bothers me when I notice that someone adds that tag to ALL of their answers.

I only say "hope this helps you" when someone is looking for a particular recipe and I think I may have the correct recipe or the closest one to it that I can find. Otherwise, I just give my answer.


Sorry no, it shows that they actually care about their answer and about helping the person. But I can agree with you about the not picking them as best answers just because they've written that. For me they have to be thorough and informative and I have to be able to understand what the hell they're saying if its a complex questions.


Naw! I don't care what people say! And no I don't care if this helps.

hmmm.....good question2008-02-22T05:51:30Z

Not really. Its most people are trying to be friendly is all.

Hope ....
Nvm I won't say it


lt's a habit they think that's nice and polite when actually hated by many - like you.

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