Do you utilize utilize?

Who regularly uses the word utilize? Who does not? Either way, why?


hawks: what is that definition?


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I use use. It fits my needs without being pompous. I think utilize bugs me because it has been so grossly over used in Corporatespeak where the primary goal seems to be to make the writing so impenetrable that the writer can never be blamed for any misunderstandings that may occur.
I'm all for "big" words but only if the use of them serves an actual purpose. I dislike it when people gussy up their language just to sound fancy or educated. Communication is about mutual understanding and word usages like utilize for use frequently do not serve that purpose.

Ex: I substantially approve of an enhanced vocabulary in cases where utilisation of such terminology is supported by circumstantial requirements.


yes, i use utilize fairly often.
i think there is a very specific definition of utilize, that use, apply, employ, doesn't quite communicate.

EDIT: well see that's just it. it's hard to pinpoint the exact meaning of the definition that sets it apart from other synonyms.

utilize somehow suggests a certain "physical" aspect of that which is being utilized.
somehow, taking a purposeful action with a tangible object. yet also "perfecting" the communication of the process that the brain acts as, almost tangibly, because of our intense application of information, experiences etc...

use, we can use that word so broadly.
employ, that could be specific to "job' somehow.
apply, somehow that just seems "put to"

*~STEVIE~* *~B~*2008-02-22T13:06:03Z

Oh yes, I`m a great utiliser of utilising utile utilities providing they are utilisable or able to be utilised.


I don't utilize it much except in my utility room, where I sometimes utilize my utility knife.


it's like asking someone if they use the word glib.

oh i'm feeling particularly glib today so i will utilize "utilize" for no particular reason.

well, if you're writing like, a formal paper, resume, w/e, you would "utilize" it. it's more professional-sounding than just "use". =D

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