Have you ever meet?

have you ever met someone off the internet in person that you never knew? how was it bad or good? explain


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sadly, yes. it was truly a horrible experience. i wish i never met them. got to the point where he nearly raped me, and i was scared for my life. i was lucky he didnt, and i was able to make my escape from him. i never want to relive it, and therefore keep the friendships i have made from school instead.


yes, but we were online friends for long first..i've met quite a few. so far no bad experiences. you just have to choose who to meet. mostly are still my friends, some i haven't heard a word already.


Yes, I have but we stopped writing.
It was okay, but not know how they got this mail or why.
Could have known you from around where you live, you never know these days.


Nope never done it, i can't trust people nowadays,


I never did, but I'd like to try.

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