Mike Tyson vs Jack Dempsey who wins?

12 rounds heavyweight.


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Jack Dempsey is tougher especially mentally and has more heart than Tyson ever had. Dempsey also could hit as hard if not harder. Tyson has the speed and size advantage but in a fight where two fighters meet in ring center and fight it out, my money is on the Manassa Mauler. It would be a thrilling fight while it lasted with both men landing heavy shots but when Tyson realized that Dempsey would not let him bully him, it would be near the end for him. Dempsey by knockout in 9 rounds.


it really is a good question, both adult adult males were ko artists, Dempsey turned right into a savage fighter, as you keep in mind, there changed into no rule that a fighter ought to bypass to a impartial nook till Dempsey instituted the rule of thumb in 1927 in a journey with Tunney, the former time combatants were in a special era and Dempsey by utilizing tko contained in the eleventh round of a 20 round journey


You do Jack Dempsey an injustice with this question, Tyson wouldn't last a round.

Dempsey by KO inside the first round.


The Kevin Rooney trained Tyson damn near eats up anybody old school or new school. I am just keeping it real. I say Tyson would win by K.O.. Dempsey does not run, has too much heart, and is not fast enough. He would not give Tyson enough angles or size. Tyson could have been the best but he fell apart.


A shootout. Not only do you have two aggressive powerhitters but two who are too proud to back off. The frame of mind of the combatants is more a telling factor than their abilities. Both would bring out the best and worst in each other.

Despite the size difference this would be a war. Tyson is 2 inches shorter at 5'11''. Dempsey weighs in at 192lbs. Tyson is 216lbs. Tyson has a slight edge in speed and power. He also has a better chin. If Dempsey has an advantage its in stamina.

Round 1: Both meet at ring center. Mike immediately forces Jack into the ropes. Both fighters are trading bombs. Dempsey, with his back against the ropes, is taking a load of punishment as Tyson loads up on his punches. A right uppercut-left hook-right cross backs Mike up on his heels. Dempsey charges in with a hard straight right to the face. Mike's lip is cut they trade at ring center at the bell.

Round 2: Tyson misses a wild left hook. Dempsey lands a right in return, a left hook and another right. Mike stumbles a bit, lands a series of punches to the body while once again forcing Dempsey back. An uppercut rocks Mike again but Mike answers with a right to the head with Dempsey still against the ropes. Another right stuns Dempsey and Mike swarms in for the kill. Off the ropes Dempsey lands a right cross-left hook but he's spent from the torrid pace. He clinches for the first time at the bell.

Round 3: Mike forces 2 jabs to the chest, followed by a right to the forehead. Dempsey answers with a left to the top of the head. A left to the chin clips Mike and he wobbles but continues to pour in with more wide hooks. Dempsey catches him again on the chin but his back is to the ropes again. Mike lands a series of body punches and a left-right-left to the head. Dempsey falls to one knee.

Up at 3 Dempsey advances once again but is met by a straight to the forehead and a left to the chin. He's counted out as he struggles to rise.

Tyson by KO in 3

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