Is prostitution one of the best paid 'jobs' in South Africa?,,2-7-1442_2277267,00.html
Please read the article and tell me if the amount of money is really worth it!,,2-7-1442_2277267,00.html
Please read the article and tell me if the amount of money is really worth it!
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I think that guy is lying.....she propably agreed to R 300 for sex, then afterwards he only wanted to pay her R 30 and then she and her friends took his money for the service rendered. Then he got sour and went to the SAP. Cheap skate. Anyway who the hell pays R30 for sex or rather what are you going to get for R 30? What does she then charge for a hand job, R 10? For r 30 you are going to get at least Gonorhea, crabs, herpes and aids? What can you buy for R 30? A packet of cigarettes for R 20 and a Coca cola R 10 = 30?
Oops edit: Maybe for the pimps ... clearly the prostitutes were desperate for cash, which is why they robbed the perv and then the R300 would have to be divided between them. The money is not worth it ... yuk.
A R30 service sounds a bit bargain basement think of all the added extras you get for that ... countless stds, robbed in your undies, the embarassment of having to tell the cops you were paying for sex....ugh
I think that he got his figures wrong, however not a billion rand is worth selling your body, and running the risk of getting aids, and other sexual diseases..I feel sorry for these prostitutes as I honestly think they are LOST......
Ginger R
Thanks for the 2 points.