Did the Russian Scientist Get Global Warming Right First?

Russian Scientist Habibullo Abdusamatov, head of the space research laboratory at the St. Petersburg-based Pulkovo Observatory, said global warming stems from an increase in the sun's activity. He was one of the first scientist to go public with a sun/GW theory when his findings were published last year.

He went further saying that Earth has passed the peak of its warmer period, and a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012. Real cold will come when solar activity reaches its minimum, by 2041, and will last for 50-60 years or even longer.


And we can see by the climate trends he was right:


Did the Russians get the climate right? Did they beat us Americans in the science of climatology?

Do you think they were able to make progress because global warming turned political in the US?

Your thoughts please.......


Large graph:


kevin s2008-02-27T18:38:54Z

Favorite Answer

Other scientists from other countries were probably not under some of the same pressure ours were to only prove that man made global warming was fact.
Add to that if our scientists would lose credibility from peers, universities, and most of all those who funded them they would have a case for keeping their findings very skewed.


Habibullo Abdusamatov has been quoted a bit lately with this theory he also suggests that Mars & Pluto are warming.
His warming theory isn't new it was around in the 80's but was dropped because of a slight problem, the sun stopped cooling ~78 and hasn't since.
Much has be made of Mr Abdusamatov theory by the denier camp and his grandiose title "head of the space research laboratory at the St. Petersburg-based Pulkovo Observatory"
which was basically built in 1839 and rebuilt in the 50s and little work done since, whose largest optical telescope is 32in WOW I know a couple of serious amateur astronomers with telescopes that big. The second link below has a number of links to pulkovo, the first one is a picture of the main building which says it all!

jack_scar_action_hero : ho hum more pointless dribble about religion I guess if you don't actually have a point that makes sense, that the fall back of calling GW a belief is all thats left.
If a Russian scientist puts him self forward as an expert then he should be looked at, as should any scientist from either side of this argument. This Russian seems to be 'head' of a derelict building in the middle of nowhere, which hardly instils confidence he is a leading scientist.

Ben O2008-02-28T13:22:38Z

Well you can't make statements like that in some countries.

The greenhouse effect is a 19th century theory that certain gasses retain heat on the earth. It's not the sort of theory that we can test, but in the current political climate in many countries, it is politically impossible to question it. God help anyone who provides proof that there isn't any greenhouse effect at all.

The temperature of the earth could be accounted for entirely by blackbody radiation if we use a different value for effective albedo than the accepted value.

We also know that the heat is transfered from the surface of the earth primarily by convection and that warming the atmosphere at different rates on different parts of the globe would accelerate the rate of convection in the atmosphere. Could it be that when the atmosphere absorbes IR radiation, it just causes the air to circulate faster?

Kent M2008-02-28T17:00:15Z

I don't know - I'm amazed at the remarkable similarities in regional sub-climates between today and the MWP.

I can't predict the future any more than anyone, and I can't prove anything either way - nor can anyone else. My thoughts? I honestly suspect that we're repeating the MWP and that CO2 and aerosols have some effect but we're the olive, not the gin.

pao d historian2008-02-28T10:30:47Z

yes, maybe the russians first get it right. i also agree that they are the first ones because this issue became political in the US. but i think Americans are still advanced in climatology as it is obvious more and more missions are being prepared to study climate change and even study of other planets. Russians are really smart because they were the second ones who send a flying object in space (i think Germany was the first because the first rocket launched in space was launched in Germany). the data is quite convincing and if you are an innocent person reading it, you will really believe with the proof also shown in the table. good question, eh.

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