please i wannt to look good in a bikini but not with my flat boobs.....please help n no surgery the way im 17 n im pretty sure they wont grow no more


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okay i know u probably dont want to here this but u dont stop growing til like 21 or sometin plus it happened to my mom over night but lucky for u i know foods and crap k listen good.
*rub warm olive oil over them and massage them everyday for three weeks
*eat very healthy (here r some good foods)
*milk [not one percent]
*fenugreek <-- that one is really good because well look it up and you'll see [ it like is a food that is meant for breast milk]
*do pushups too =]
-hope i helped!


Hi, I wanted to tell you about my experience with the CurvyBust cream. I'm 24 years old and I've spent pretty much my whole life wishing I had slightly larger breasts. I'm normally a size A, I'd love to be a size B, especially when I wear certain kinds of low cut tops. I have a good figure, and I like what I have, but every now and then I would like a little bit more. Even if I had the money, (which I don't because I am a college student with loans to pay off), I would never consider going under the knife just to go up 1 cup size. So that's been my dilemma.
I found out about curvybust cream when I was flipping through (Yahoo Answers). To be honest with you, I'm not the type of girl who would consider spending money on a cream that promises to increase breast size. It just seems like an impossible thing to claim. But there were three reasons that I decided to go for it:

1) I contacted them via their website because I had a question about the cream being OK for sensitive skin (which it is, because it is made of natural botanical ingredients.)

2) I was really impressed by their customer service and willingness to explain everything to me. 3) They offered me a free 12 day supply with no obligation, (I just had to pay the shipping costs- I wasn't too thrilled with that but it was still worth it to get the free product).

Well, it's actually working! There is a noticeable difference in the size of my breasts! It's only been 10 days, and they say that the true final results won't appear until about the 4-6 month time frame, but based on what I can see, (and what my boyfriend can feel�) there's definitely a difference. My breasts are standing out more, and they are fuller and rounder. Sometimes I am able to go out without a bra, now I can't. And I have a feeling that I might have to actually buy new bras if the growth continues. I'm looking forward to seeing how the next month goes. There might actually be a size B in my future! Woohoo!






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Okay, first things first: you should be proud of your body regardless of how big or small your breasts are. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. I went through the same struggle when I was around your age, and I'm 21 now. Learning how to handle yourself is what is going to make you wonderful, not your bra size. Second, there is no way to naturally make your breasts bigger; believe me, I've tried. You will find that people will say eating certain foods or using pills or creams to enchance them will work, but they won't. You can do exercises that strenghten the muscles underneath, giving them a slight lift, but it won't make them bigger. This is not to say, however, that all hope is lost. There are plenty of tricks to make your boobs appear bigger (and no, barely wearing any clothing is not one of them :) ) First, stand up straight and shoulders back! A good posture is going to be the best thing to enhance your overall apperance and your natural beauty. Second, buy bras that will give you a light push and padding. Wearing the right bra is going to work wonders. Go to Victoria's Secret; they have people trained in this area! Also, using a bit of bronzer in between your breasts give the look of bigger breasts. Wearing clothes that fit you properly also will help. But seriously sweetie, don't sweat it! Talk to girls that have bigger boobs, and, pretty often, they'll tell you they wish they didn't have them because they get in the way. Also, just remember this, as you get older--unlike those other girls--your boobs won't sag down to your belly button! ;) Love yourself, dahling!

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