HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE! Do you think people on this site overuse the word 'hate'?

I do.

I hate the drunk driver who ploughed into my colleague. I hate the thugs who beat up my friend's kid. I do not hate people because they believe in weird things. Or the things they believe. If someone says 'They hate us', or 'You hate me', I think 'that's a case of self-pity if ever I heard one'.

Your thoughts?


Favorite Answer

I 'short listed' the word 'hate' to my list of curse words a few years back. I think people use it too much, in general. To hate something means you wish it didn't exist, which is quite harsh in my opinion. Knowing is the first step. Once you identify flaws in yourself you often, hopefully, take steps to better them. I consider the overuse of the word hate to be right up there with people who swear too much. And in my opinion that's just ignorance. People swear too much because they really need to expand their vocabularies.


I agree. Do you know how many times the word "hate" appears in the King James Version of the Bible?

179 times. Look:

That's why I don't use it. It's a little too biblical for me!


I hate ham from the dollar store. I hate frank. I hate Frederick.


I think you are exaggerating. That's not the impression I get from this site. I don't even recall to have ever read that someone hates someone else. Sorry!


i just hate hate hate it when somebody asks a question about the word hate.

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