Steel Security Door How can you remove metal frame without damanging the door?

william v2008-03-03T01:36:37Z

Favorite Answer

Really depends on how the frame was secured to the opening.
Most "manufactured" security doors are installed with one way screws. They can be removed with a little care and a good pair of visegrips.
Carefully grind or file 2 flat spots on opposite sides of the head, or worse case grind the head off. If using the 1st, the grips can be clamped to the flat lands and screw can be removed. If 2nd, the frame can be removed from the opening and the remaining screw remnants turned out with the grips.
Either way you probably will have a little touch-up painting to do!


Remove the hinges first by driving out the pins. But either way the door will be destroyed when its frame has to be sledge hammered out!