Will you REALLY regret your tattoos when you're 80?

Personally I think there will be other things to worry about other than ink under my skin. So it's time to start a list of things that will REALLY matter when you're 80.........like can I still get it up? And will I remember what it's for if I can? and not how does my dragon look


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Lol!! Of course not!!! I hope I will be the talk of the nursing home which will be awesome since I will probably really need the attention negative or not by then!! I think I will be more worried about where I put my teeth or where is my cane or walker but that point! Besides at least they will have something to identify me when I run away from the nursing home!! Great question as always!! Peace!

Rider so disappointed! No funny comments?? Are you searching for your next tribal.....you little stinker! LOL!


I say you only live once, if you lived a good life, did what made you happy and are where you wanted to be at the age of 80 then who gives a dam about what a tattoo looks like then? By then most of the people still alive will have other issues that are far more important than the look of a tattoo. It's an excuse that some people use to justify not getting them and to judge those with them. I don't care if someone says "When you are 80 ..." to me, at least I will have colorful wrinkles with stories not just scars.

Michigan Momma of 22008-03-04T13:27:33Z

I'll be too worried about making it to a "decent raisin ranch where they change me twice a day (DDG)" to worry about how my tattoos look (if I can even SEE as far as my arm and chest)! I don't think I'll be worried about whether or not I can get it up, mostly because I don't have a penis, but the thought MAY cross my mind once or twice when I see a kindly old senile man walk past my raisin-ranch-room buck naked. I'm sure my 80-year-old body and tattoos will give the male nurse who gives me my spongebaths something to talk about with his friends while he is heavily drinking so that he can forget about what he does for a living. Anyway, by the time I am 80, I hope to be in my own little world and loving it. At least I will still be getting jewelry...I'm sure my great-grandchildren will be buying me a lovely little silver necklace that has my name and address on it so that complete strangers can return me after they find me wandering around aimlessly in a corn field or naked in a shopping mall parking lot.


If I live to be 80 (which I doubt as I've been very ill with cancer) last thing I'll worry about is how my tattoos look.My ink is a pictorial biography of my life.The amount of strangers I have had come up and talk to me because of my ink is deeply touching.They usually have ink themselves and have real heart wrenching stories to tell.
I've had some really nice people come into my life because I have tattoos.Tattoos have made my life richer, more colourful and I won't regret them for a single second.


I think it really depends on how much your Tattoo means to you. If you get a significant tattoo with sentimental value you're always going to remember no matter how old you are. Plus, you're probably right, i mean most people when they're 80 aren't staring at their old tattoos. It might make you reflect on your life if anything...

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