How long is it appropriate to hang on to an anger if the person is no longer a part of your life?
Is mocking a part of anger...or is it just some sort of humor?
What is the difference between laughing at a person and laughing with them?
Is mocking a part of anger...or is it just some sort of humor?
What is the difference between laughing at a person and laughing with them?
Favorite Answer
mocking depends if you're trying to insult or amuse him.
if you're insulting him, it might be due to anger
if you're amusing him, it might be due to humor.
laughing at a person means that you're laughing at their misery or humiliation.
laughing with a person means that you're laughing with their amusement or sharing their joy.
Hanging onto to anger is a self destructive behavior, there is no benefits from it and many and physical can learn from whatever experience occurred to cause the anger without holding onto it.....and why would you want are only hurting yourself...:)
Mocking could actually be both...alowing you to release your anger and be humorous at the same time...
laughing at someone is just observational......laughing with someone is empathetic......IMHO.
My brother, I pray you aren't laughing at others in derision. You need to be more compassionate. Kicking one when they are down isn't what a true Christian would do.
You need to have the wounds you have inflicted to your soul, healed with the Balm of Gilead, known as salvation through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Why don't you come today?