is there a good lawyer around, the case was dismissed because of no evidence.?

About a month ago I posted a letter about my son being mistreated on college campus. To recap here my previous letter. My son attend a college that I feel have unjustly mistreated him for something they alleged had happen. A friend owed him $10 he went to the school to get it, the security saw them exchange money and assume it was for drugs so they questioned them, they explained to security why he was giving him the money but the security didn't believe them and called the police who ultimately search my son first (who happens to be black), and found "NO DRUGS" then he had my son sign a consent to search the car and again found "NO DRUGS" however, upon searching his friend ( who happen to be white) they found DRUGS, money, and a scale in this kid car, they made my son sit in his car as they questioned his friend, and they arrested my son along with this kid despite the fact that they found nothing on my son, they charged my son with loitering, & alleged attempt to make a transaction.


Favorite Answer

You can't believe you sons story do you? it is a WOPPER than only a mom could believe!
Your son went out of his way to collect a $10 debt? PLEASE!


Your son - NO MATTER THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN - was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lets give him the benefit of the doubt - he actually did owe this dealer some money. How likely is it that he doesn't know what the dealer does that he has all of this stuff in his car. The reason that your son wasn't charged with a drug transaction is because he didn't have the drugs, not because anyone believed the story. The question is as well - what are you looking to get out of this? If you feel your son was all kinds of wronged and a bucket of money might help soothe his poor bruised ego, you're out of luck. No court in this land will call this a bad apprehension GIVEN THAT THE OTHER LOSER HAD DRUG DEALING EQUIPMENT. You need to stop looking for a lawyer and help your son find some better friends.

Also, if you're looking at malicious prosecution, he did go to trial, correct? And it was dismissed after a trial? Again, not a leg.


I don't understand. If the case was dismissed, what's the problem? Why do you need a lawyer?