How frequently do you visit your therapist?
I just started seeing a therapist last week and i'm already tired of discussing my problems. I think the sessions help but don't know if it's necessary to go every week. Thoughts?
I just started seeing a therapist last week and i'm already tired of discussing my problems. I think the sessions help but don't know if it's necessary to go every week. Thoughts?
Favorite Answer
I see my therapist once a week.
You said you are tired of discussing your problems.
That is a good topic to bring up next time you see your therapist. You can explore why you are tired of discussing your problems. This could be a sign that you want things to change. Maybe you have had enough of your problems and now you can look at ways to tackle them. Good Luck with therapy. It is your special time for you.
I go once a week, but I know how you feel. There are weeks that I don't want to go, because I don't feel I need to talk to her. Then there are other weeks that I wish I could go two or three times because I'm particularly under stress. The problem is, you need to go weekly in order to keep a particular time slot. I think it's normal that sometimes you don't have a whole lot to say and then you make up for it other times. Just know if you decide to stop, you can stop. And if you don't know what to talk about, just start talking about what's going on in your life (relationships, family, work, friends, etc.) and something usually comes right to the surface.
Depends on you, the therapist, the nature of the problem. Usually an assessment is done in the first few sessions before you really address the key issues.
I'd tell them you're tired of discussing your problems and see what they say. It might be that you aren't ready or that therpay isn't the right course of action for you.
Q.T.π Reuben
I've been going every 6 weeks. It started out weekly then the time between went to 2 weeks, then a month, now 6 weeks.
Daylight Lady
Technically every week, but my therapist tries to make it every two... plus I get about 60 holidays a year at my school, and she has training anfd she was in hospital recently... but now I hope every week :D