I'm stupid with puffy paint... any help?

I was puffy painting a poncho for my spanish class and long story short, I was stupid and neon pink puffy paint got smeared on my red cloth Coach.... Unfortunately I did not notice until the next morning so it was nice and hardened. :( My mother will kill me if she finds out.

I've been picking at it with my fingernails all day, which has helped, and I read some crazy stuff with vinegar and Goo-Gone, but I'm kind of nervous as that could further ruin the bag...

Any ideas to get it off? It's not really soaked in too much but is more of a very thin smear about a centemeter wide on the side of my bag.

I would love any help with the matter...



Favorite Answer

go try the mr clean magic eraser you can buy them at your local supermarket in the cleaning isle just wet the sponge and wipe they also work on fabric so i thought they might help in your situation.