Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the war in Iraq is not covered by the media as much anymore?

Sure you hear occasionally about a bombing here and there but nowhere near what we used to get.
Is it that there just isnt as much gorey happenings over there? no good stories.. is it just routine now.. nothing to get the ratings up? What do you think?


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Yes you are absolutely right. It has become just a pass by news item on the bottom of the screen on CNN and other news agencies. They give the death count and they announce a bombing killing this and that amount of people. They are too concerned with their present ratings concerning the upcoming election and all the political hoopla that goes along with it. When the war first started you could not see anything else. But then the media goes along with the public.. or does the public go along with the media? Either way..they both lose interest unless it is your son or daughter getting killed in the war.


We had a plan. yet there's no plan which could account for individuals who haven't any look after their lives. They have been killing their own human beings in the previous we ever went in there. Then Saddam branched out with 5000 tanks and Jet combatants and each and all of the needed offensive weapons to take over the middle East. How could that have labored? And as quickly as the middle East became into under his administration, which continent could he take next? Excuse me, for people who say we are addicted to oil, I answer, we are addicted to nutrients additionally? without oil the Western international does not exist. Are the liberal Dems STOOPID? the place are they making plans to stay without oil? the middle East oil isn't a throwaway decision. purely precisely what's the PLAN that the Dems have for the u . s . a . without oil?

Jason S2008-03-07T08:14:30Z

definitely, and like the guy above wrote, people are becoming desensitized, and that is a real shame.

I mean, just yesterday, within 2 hours of each other a gunman opened fire in jerusalem killing 8 I believe, and two bombers in baghdad killed 53 people, wounding 125 more. The jerusalem story was wall to wall and CNN just checked in a couple times on the baghdad story. Explain that to me. Explain how that's justifiable unless cnn thinks people just are too desensitized to the shock of the iraq war?

And is that a reputable way to prioritize the news?


This is a dis-service to the men and women in uniform.
I make every effort to read the names of soldiers who have died when the list is released. Each time I try to make sense of the senseless need for sacrifice that all began based on a mistake in judgement.


America realized during the Vietnam war that when things go bad it's best to play it down to the American public...until they could hide it no longer...

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