Does this make you think twice about drinking that glass of water?


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I will answer your Q, even tough this is the 3rd time I have seen that posted as a link 3 times tonight.

It is kinda worrying. I had wondered why I was growing boobs but had a natural resistance to syphylis and high blood pressure. ;o)

Habt our quell2008-03-09T20:43:39Z

I read that article about an hour ago. Apparently the filtration method of "reverse osmosis" is effective in filtering out the pharmaceuticals or making those traces more negligible.

To all those people who say they have wells and septic systems, please read the article- the contamination studies include those, and those show pharmaceuticals.

To those who live outside the USA, the studies have been conducted world-wide with the same results- I personally have no idea whether trace amounts of sex hormones, anti-convulsants, tranquilizers, mood stabilizers, anti-cholesterol and the like are harmful in which quantities.

The article mentions bottled water also having trace amounts of pharmaceuticals.


As a matter of fact i never drink water from the tap. Though if i did that would make me reconsider drinking it.

Call Me Milton2008-03-09T20:45:16Z

If you're talking about the "probe" that shows we have various pharmaceuticals in our drinking water... the answer is no. There's always something in the water... how else do you explain Jaws...?


It's definitely scary. What can we do though, besides wait for water treatment solutions to catch up with the problem.

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