Did you know that SOMEBODY (from the yahoo tattoo section) is about to become a mother for the first time?

Which be default means that I will be a grandfather for the first time. Will she be able to hold her position as top answerer in the tattoo section when she has a little one running around the house? Should I get a tattoo commemorating the birth of my first grandchild? Should we nickname the baby "ink"?.....LOL Just wanted to share the news with all my pals......


Thanks Red Sunshine.......and no, she is my oldest daughter....


Thanks for the suggestion Wicked!


Thank YOU Steven


Hey Jodi..... She and her husband have known for about three weeks....We found out Monday.....The grandbaby is due in mid Sept......LOL and she has soooo much ink that the baby is going to be born inkstained.....Me excited...HOW COULD YOU TELL?


Thanks for the congrats and for the advice Michigan ....(I can smell a spoiled rotten baby already)


Thank you Teri.....and yes somebody with the back piece it on of my daughters......and ain't it a shame that pore little child being born with white trash grandparents....lol


Thanks Kelly.... any excuse for new ink .....


Thanks for the congrats Milly.........and glad you got to try Reeses......pretty damn good.


Thanks Princess.......this child is going to be used to looking at tattoos (since we all have them)...but it is a great reason for new ink


Favorite Answer

Did she just find out or are you just now spilling the beans? When is the big day?
What about that whole epidural thing? My goodness, what will she do if she needs one?;)
Congrats! You sound a little excited if I'm not mistaken!


Congrats Rider!!! That is awesome!!! Somebody with the beautiful back piece? Boy what will her child think of all her tattoos?? What a shame. No just kiddin I shouldnt be making jokes about such wonderful news!!! I think you should get a tattoo of the little ones feet...like when they stamp it on the birth announcement at the hospital. I have always thought that was a great idea. I became a grammy last year! Too young to be a grammy but then again age is only a number! Again congrats to your family!!! That is wonderful news!!! Take care!

Michigan Momma of 22008-03-12T19:35:36Z

Congratulations, first-time grandpa AND mommy!! I am so excited for all of you!! BTW, I LOVE Wicked's idea of the baby's handprint over your heart! I obviously do not have any grandchildren yet (considering the fact that my kids are only 1 & 3), but my parents and in-laws tell me having a grandchild is even BETTER than having kids!! Pffftt! Thanks a lot, guys! Anyway, make sure that you spoil that baby rotten every chance you get and send him/her home dirty, full of sugar and exhausted like my parents and in-laws do!!! The love between a grandparent and grandchild is so precious. And, to your daughter, the feeling you have the first time you see and hold your sweet new baby is like nothing else in the whole world. Congratulations and wishes for health and happiness in your new journey ahead.


Awww! Congratulations dude. That's amazin news. Good luck to ya'll.

Oh and guess what - I was at the supermarket checkout last night and a packet of those Reese's Peanut Butter Cup things jumped out at me. They just got released over here apparently!

So I grabbed a Dr Pepper out of the fridge to go with it and have to say - nice combo! Cheers for the tip!

Steven D2008-03-12T18:42:22Z

From one grand pop to another, congratulations. Do as you feel with the tattoo. I never found any I wanted forever. I'm not shooting you down, I seen some beautiful work especially overseas.

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