Is exceeding the maximum posted speed limit a sin?


Favorite Answer

You might spill your beverage if you go too fast, Dude.


The speed limit is "posted" in the law that limits speeds on county roads. You are expected to know that law. The phrase, "exceeded the posted speed limit" is just something the officer was told to write on a speeding ticket when citing someone for speeding.

۞ JønaŦhan ۞2008-03-12T12:51:22Z

Exceeding maximum speed limit is not a sin, it is just a bad habit, or an unethical behavior. However, the Catholic Church might have made that a sin, I would have to check up on it.


Render unto God the things that are God and to Caesar the things that are is sinFUL to break a law. You are by your action taking someone else's life into your own hands. The moment you step into a car drunk or purposely will be accountable to God. Free-will allows you to do this, but your spirituality should stop you...putting the safety of others first because you have a responsibility to your fellow man.


Good one, its a question of mans law and Gods law. As Christians awe are to follow mans law as far as it doesnt interfere with Gods law therefore we are to follow the speed limit, HOWEVER in this particular law you are only at fault if you get caught and also then it would be a sin, so fighting it when you know you did it is a sin, but if you dont get caught or cause damage etc as a result of it then it wouldnt be sin anymore than you would be accused of breaking the law. I hope I got this across. I KNOW there are Baptists out there who so disagree God love em!lol

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