How do you get the perfect hard boiled egg.?
Without the green sulfurous ring around the yolk.
Without the green sulfurous ring around the yolk.
Favorite Answer
Older eggs make better boiled eggs as they have a larger airspace and therefore peel better. I start mine in cold water with a little added vinegar and bring to a boil for 10 min. Any longer and you will get the green ring which is due to the sulphur being drawn out of the yolk by prolonged heat exposure.
This is what I do: Buy eggs that will expire the soonest if you are going to used them right away. Older eggs peel better than fresher eggs. The boiling and removing from the stove for 15 minutes never worked for me. I bought an acryllic gadget called "Eggsact Eggtimer" that is red and shaped like an egg with a flat bottom. It has lines on it for soft, medium or hard cooked eggs. You can buy it at a kitchen accessories store and it's about $3 to $5. It turns a dark maroon color as your eggs cook. When the entire thing is all dark, the eggs are hard cooked. I put the eggs in a quart pan, fill it with cold water to cover the eggs entirely (amout 1/2-inch over the top), "pour" salt over the eggs. Cook on high heat until it boils and then turn it down to medium-high until the egg timer turns all dark. I then pour the hot water out and run cold water over the eggs several times. Tap the fat end of the egg on the counter and then around the whole egg, and then start peeling from the fat end. Peeling the eggs under cold running water also makes it easier. Another tip if you want your yolk centered in the white, is to use a clean needle and poke a hole in the fat end of the egg before you boil it.
I make a lot of deviled eggs for potlucks. Good luck.
According to Julia Child's book, place 6 eggs in water just enough to cover the top of the eggs. Allow the eggs and water to become the same room temperature. Put a small amount of vinegar in the water (for easy shell removal) then bring the water to a slow boil. Once it is at a boil, turn down the heat to a simmer, cook for 17 minutes. Remove from heat, run eggs under cold water. crack and peal. If making egg salad mash with fork as usual, add mayo and a 1/2 teaspoon of dried mustard, for that special deli flavor and or some dried dill..
Get a small sauce pan.
Fill it with water just enough to cover the egg and add a little salt.
Add the egg to the cold water.
From the start of boiling point, time 3-4 minutes ( 3 if you want it soft) then it should be done.
Remove straight away and under cover water, remove the shell. Just the cap if it is a soft boiled egg.
Eileen J
I cook them the way willa does and I never have a problem. Sometimes the shell isn't as easy to peel but I think that has to do with how old the eggs are..I think the older ones are better not real fresh but I may be wrong..I always forget..I haven't made any of them in so long.I think the only time I do is for Easter and I have to practice soon I guess...GOOD LUCK!