Cleaning up after the dog?

I am fuming right now but I want to see how others feel about this. I was walking my dog, like I do every day when one of my neighbors made a snide comment about how he didn't appreciate the neighbors letting their dogs pee (he used a cruder word) all over his mailbox. My dog is a chihuahua mix and we were halfway through his walk so you can imagine the VAST quantity of pee he left. If it was no more than about three drops if any. I also always clean up any other "messes" my dog makes and never leave dog poo on anyone's lawn. So is it really so rude of me to let my dog mark his territory on mailboxes or am I supposed to walk him carrying a roll of paper towels and a garbage bag so I can clean up every drop of dog pee? The mailboxes are plastic so it's not like it's going to rust or anything. I'm not even the only person who walks their dog in this neighborhood but I am one of the few who cleans up after their pet. So who's the jerk here?


I live in a small residental neighborhood out in the country. We don't have sidewalks. We have curbside mailboxes. I'm not walking him on anyone's lawn.

Personally, I'd rather had dogs peeing on my mailbox than the lawn since they won't kill the grass.

Broken Pearls2008-03-13T10:30:22Z

Favorite Answer


thats just like if a babysitter comes round and looks after a 2 year old and if the baby tugs on her hair or crys or talks, then afterwards says 'i dont appreciate your daughter doing that'!!!

if he didnt know already, its a dogs instict to 'mark territory' and they do this naturally. A baby is naturally curious and oblious to these things like your dog is and if he doesnt understand biology, the next time you pass his house tell him to go take a biology lesson or dont clean up your dogs mess if he doo-doos outside this dumb mans house!


Although your neighbour is maybe over reacting, he likely doesn't feel the same about your dog as you do. You need to respect that. Regardless of whether it is a lot of pee, or just a sprinkle, it is still his property and you need to respect it. Personally I have two dogs and love them, but realize that not everyone is an animal lover.

You sound pretty respectful as you do clean up after your dog on walks, but if you can, try to avoid your neighbour's mailbox. What is not a big deal to you may be seen as disrespect to him.


Im sorry to take the side of your neighbor here. I too am a dog owner however, when I walk her, I don't let her go near others houses or mailboxes or trees, we stay on the sidewalk. Many neighbors have dogs and when they mark their territory on mailboxes trees etc, it smells. and yes, even a tinkle can smell. I can't say I blame your neighbor for saying something to you about it.

You don't have to walk around with a paper towel, just keep your pet away from their yard.


I don't let my dogs wander onto anyones property, even to sniff. I walk them in common areas and let them do their thing in an open field or the backyard. I'd respect the neighbor, since it is his property. I understand your being annoyed since he could have been more pleasant about it and I'm sure there are more folks who can be singled out as overall I'd say he was the jerk in this situation.


That person is being a jackas*. There is rules about cleaning up the poo, but none about the pee. If you dog wants to pee on his mailbox, let him. If the guy has a problem, tell him to take it up with the police. Nothing will result from it.

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