Cleaning up after the dog?
I am fuming right now but I want to see how others feel about this. I was walking my dog, like I do every day when one of my neighbors made a snide comment about how he didn't appreciate the neighbors letting their dogs pee (he used a cruder word) all over his mailbox. My dog is a chihuahua mix and we were halfway through his walk so you can imagine the VAST quantity of pee he left. If it was no more than about three drops if any. I also always clean up any other "messes" my dog makes and never leave dog poo on anyone's lawn. So is it really so rude of me to let my dog mark his territory on mailboxes or am I supposed to walk him carrying a roll of paper towels and a garbage bag so I can clean up every drop of dog pee? The mailboxes are plastic so it's not like it's going to rust or anything. I'm not even the only person who walks their dog in this neighborhood but I am one of the few who cleans up after their pet. So who's the jerk here?
I live in a small residental neighborhood out in the country. We don't have sidewalks. We have curbside mailboxes. I'm not walking him on anyone's lawn.
Personally, I'd rather had dogs peeing on my mailbox than the lawn since they won't kill the grass.