No, never. Always original. Often copied, never a copier.;_ylt=AglqBMS6NdWwICjCWsNVXjTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080314035106AAA70Mo&show=7#profile-info-LCvrP9Xfaa Love, honey
Not with out kuddos to those I copied....I did hit the originator of this (today's originator that is) question and the other copy for a total of 6 points answering the same damn thing....thanks.
No Never, but recently had a user do that to me. she copied and submitted over 35 questions of mine in the space of a few hours.
i'm not gonna say her name, but she has answered this question and even got the cheek to post this question herself. (although with a link to this question)